Today is Ananya's 3 month birthday! It's hard to believe that she's been in our lives for such a seemingly short period of time. To be honest, I can't really remember what life was like before her!
Ananya is definitely coming into her own now. She is much more alert when she is awake. She can hold her head up - which is no easy feat and, according to the look on her face, takes quite an incredible amount of strength and concentration. She can smile easily, look at you when you're talking to her, and even will talk back to you! She's quite the conversationalist and loves attention - in fact, if you're holding her and not looking at her and not talking to her, she'll get upset and let you know!
The last week, something wonderful (for Aditi) happened: Ananya started sleeping through the night! Yay! She now will sleep from about 10:30pm until 5am. Needless to say, mom and baby are better rested and much happier :) In addition, she has now started sticking her tongue out a LOT - I don't think she means to be rude, I think she's just proud of her cute little tongue and likes to show it off!
Pooneet and I still don't think she looks like either one of us....any thoughts? What do you think?
And the most fun news of all: Ananya started swimming lessons last week! Daddy and daughter went into the swimming pool at La Petit Baleen in SF for a half-hour swim lesson. Well, I don't know if it's totally accurate to call it "swimming", more like "splashing". But Ananya had a GREAT time - for the first half of the class, she didn't cry, was bobbing her head around, got in an inner tube, and held her head up for the longest period of time to date. It was so fun! We'll post a video/pics as soon as we get our act together.
Now we're off to celebrate mommy's bday and Ananya's 3 month bday!