July has been a fun, birthday party-filled month for us! We spent July 4th in Colorado Springs and then celebrated Ananya's birthday each of the following weekends at Ananya's grandparents' houses. Ananya can now say four words: Thatha, bow wow (for any animal she sees, including flies!), Papa (which results in a big goofy grin on Pooneet's face each time he hears it), and eye. Yes, she has learned that she - along with everyone else - has an eye. So if you see her and she pokes you in the eyeball, it's only because she's so excited to let you know that you, too, have an eye!
Ananya took her first few steps at her Dadu and Dadi's house, right after the party ended!
She continues to love all things that start with "b": ball, book, button, balloon, boat...it's amazing how many wonderful things start with that letter! Ananya has picked a convenient "ba" to say when she's referring to any and all of these things. Makes for fun times, trying to decipher what exactly she's referring to!
Here's a picture of her in her new swimsuit: