I was cooking dinner for Ananya one night and badly burned my arm...had to go to urgent care and they wrapped my arm up for a week! It's a mix of 1st and 2nd degree burns, but I think it's on the mend.

Then, I had two weddings/sangeets to attend. I took Amisha to her first sangeet, which she loved, and had fun at Shikha (cousin's of Pooneet's cousin) and Gaurav's(a college friend) wedding:
The next week, I went to Neha Ajmani's sangeet, which was a fun IIT reunion with some of my favorite uncles and aunties!
Jean (aka. Eemo) spent a lot of time with us these past two weeks helping me out, especially all day and all night on Saturday. She and Ananya made yummy fruit tarts, we visited Steph and baby Leah, and we completely exhausted her!
In between, Ananya had swimming class and spent her days in the zoo, museums, Chuck e Cheese, and playing in the backyard and in the park. According to everyone we see, Amisha has grown a LOT in the past week.
When visiting baby Leah and Auntie Steph last week, Amisha rolled from her back to her tummy to her back! Yay!
And now, both kids are sick with fevers and colds, I think I'm heading in that direction, and we can't wait for Pooneet to come home! Thanks to my parents and Pooneet's mom for helping take care of us these past two weeks - we could not have survived the craziness without you!
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