In February, Amisha turned 11 months old. She loved crawling, clapping, talking up a storm (Mama, Dada, Ada - for Adhara, Avva, Thatha). She loves playing with toys, especially Ananya's favorite toys. She absolutely loves stuffed animals and hugs them so tightly when she sees them. She's fearless, strong, and very daring - if she bangs her head or falls down, she barely whimpers. But she REALLY cries when Ananya says "no" to her or takes a toy away from her. Doesn't bode well for the teenage years ;)
She eats up a storm, enjoys all kinds of different food, but again, especially loves eating Ananya's food. She's consistently sleeping through the night, taking 2 naps a day, and is super friendly - she'll go to anyone, be held by anyone, and play with anyone. Probably the result of all the playdates she's gone to with her big sister!
Here are the many faces of our little rascal:
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