Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4 months

Amisha turned 4 months old today and we celebrated, in part, by taking her to the doctor and poor thing got 2 shots :( But she was quite the trooper the rest of the day and even put up with her big sister singing "happy birthday" to her!

In this past month, Amisha has started cooing a LOT, her hair has grown, she sleeps anywhere and everywhere, and continues to be in awe of her big sister. She is a happy little baby, always smiling and gurgling and loves to be kissed and snuggled. Her favorite spot to play is her giraffe playmat (not the whale playmat which, for some reason, really scares her) and she loves kicking, chewing on the animals, and doing tummy time (ie. sleeping!) on this mat.

In her 4 months, Amisha has also led quite the social life. To date, she has attended 8 birthday parties, 4 high school graduation parties, 2 weddings, 1 engagement party, 1 baby shower, 1 bridal shower in addition to multiple playdates, trips to the park, and fun times in both grandparents houses. Quite the social butterfly!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Tummy time

Amisha has outsmarted us with her tummy time strategies. She gets on her tummy, plays for a little bit, and either protests until we pick her up OR falls asleep! I came back from a dentist appointment today to find her sleeping for 45 minutes like this!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tummy time

Amisha loves tummy time and has also been rolling onto her tummy ever since she was about 3 months old. In the last week, she has started "talking" up a storm, cooing endlessly! Just yesterday, I took her to a friend's baby shower where Amisha cooed/yelped with delight the ENTIRE time!

Here's a video and some pictures of her combining her two loves - tummy time on her playmat and cooing to her big sister:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sister fun

We have been having so much fun this past month! Pooneet went to India for work for two weeks, and so his mom moved in with me (I'm so lucky!) and helped me with the kids...it was the longest Pooneet and I have ever been apart and made me REALLY appreciate him :)

Ananya started a new class at her preschool for older kids. She's now in "Center Room" with 3, 4, and 5 year olds and seems to be enjoying the larger play areas, new toys, and friendly teachers. She also started a new swimming class where she goes in the pool all by herself and swims all by herself (ie. no parents in the pool). Of course, the first class she cried the ENTIRE time, but by the next class, she was smiling away. Phew!

Amisha has had quite a month herself. She got her head shaved which, given the super hot summer we're having, may have been the perfect timing for it. She has started rolling over - from back to tummy to back - which makes things tricky and exciting! She coos constantly, can laugh, and is a super cuddly/snuggly baby. In her almost 4 months with us, she has shown how incredibly social she is - she has attended 1 wedding, 4 graduation parties, 1 engagement party, over 5 birthday parties, and a baby shower this weekend!

Summertime in the suburbs has been really enjoyable - we spend a lot of our time outdoors, especially in the evenings. My favorite fruits are in season and we can't stop eating mangoes, apricots, plums all day long! Slowly but surely, we're getting the hang of being a family of four and now I can't imagine life any other way :)


Our close friends, Nevin and Anita, visited us last week from Chicago and they have beautiful twin baby girls, 5 months old, named Anya and Vera. We had a GREAT time with them - Ananya loved being the oldest kid and showing all the babies different toys and singing songs. Anita and I had a great time bonding over the insanity of motherhood, and our baby girls loved playing on the playmats and looking at each other.

I thought having two kids was tough, but having twins - as a first time parent - is so much more difficult, so now I'm just in total awe of parents of twins!

Here are some pictures of all the cutie pies (and their parents!):

No hair!

In Pooneet's family, it is an important tradition to shave a baby's head during the first year. We didn't do this with Ananya (I was too scared!) but we wanted to do everything properly with Amisha, so we took her to get her first haircut and got her head shaved! She was born with a ton of hair but was already starting to lose most of it, so I figured not only were we following tradition but it would also help her hair grow back evenly. I was definitely nervous during the haircut, Amisha was crying her head off, but luckily, Ananya and Pooneet's mom and sister were there for moral support!

I have to say, I think it makes her look so beautiful, her hair is already growing back, and I"m really happy we did it!